Exploring the Divide Between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism
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God's Sovereignty and Our Choices
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A Biblical Theory of Origins
Why the Trinity Is Necessary for Logic
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How to Win a Debate Against an Atheist
Apologetics, Interviews, podcastGuest UserChristian apologetics, how to debate an atheist, presuppositional apologetics, winning debates against atheists, Eli Ayala Revealed Apologetics, Joel Settecase Worldview Legacy, Christian debate strategies, defending Christian faith, intellectual preparation for debates, engaging atheist worldviews
"¿Por qué crees en Dios?" Aquí está mi respuesta.
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Christian vs. Atheist Debate: Does Objective Morality Require God?
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The Best Argument for Christianity Is Also the Simplest
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How to Find Jesus In the Old Testament (3 Ways)
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The Problem of Evil: An Answer from Christian Philosophy
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Atheists Should Never Question the Historicity of the Gospels Again. Here's Why.
Why Atheism Can't Make Sense of History
Get Better At Using Evangelism With Your Apologetics
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How Do You Explain the Violence in the Old Testament? (Biblical Guide)
8 Apologetics Topics from the Younger Generation
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Which Method of Apologetics Is Best? (Why Presuppositionalism)
Should We Use the Bible to Defend Our Faith?
How to Answer "You Can't Use the Bible to Prove Christianity"
Is Christianity Homophobic?
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Did Christianity Steal from Pagan Myths? (Full Article)