Resource Roundup (3/11/2021)
What Are Facts, Anyway?
Should Christians Celebrate Passover? (Roy Schwarcz 2021 Interview)
Articles, Interviews, podcast, Religion, Messianic JudaismGuest Userroy schwarcz, christianity, judaism, ecumenism, messianic judaism, 2021 passover, christian passover, jewish passover, jewish christian, christian jew, joel settecase podcast, think institute, think podcast, think institute network
What Is A Presupposition? (John Frame's Definition)
Two Effects of the Doctrine of the Trinity (From John Frame)
A Model for the Trinity? Give It Up (John Frame Says)
Are You Going To Find Your People At Cruciform? (2021 Conference Update)
Eternal Subordinationism? (Not On John Frame's Watch)
Concerning Sye
CATAKIDS Ep. 1 - Who Is God? (Questions 1-5)
catakids, Articles, Catechesis, podcast, Education, DiscipleshipGuest Usercatakids, catechism, kids podcast, christian kids, sunday school, christian resources, christian education, religious education
The Roles of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (According to Frame)
Should A Church Meet In A Mosque Or Kingdom Hall?
Why Did The Three Divine Persons Take On Their Respective Roles? (John Frame's View)
Did Jesus Say Take Up His Cross, Not His Teachings Or "Moral Code?" (Response to J. D. Greear)
Articles, podcast, polemicsGuest Userjd greear, twitter, take up your cross, take up my cross, what did jesus say, joel settecase podcast, think institute podcast, think podcast, what did jesus mean, theology, thinkpod
How Do The Persons of the Trinity Relate?
"An Odd Kind of Distinctness"
Resource Roundup (2/25/2021)
Should Christians Take The Vaccines Endorsed By The Government?
Blog, Articles, Current Events, Culture, Coronavirus, Ethics, mailbag, Pro-life, Q&A, Science, Politics, political theory, WorldviewGuest Userethics, vaccines, COVID-19, vaccination, anti-vaxxers, anti-vax, antivax, joel settecase, pfizer, moderna, think institute, mailbag, worldview
How Should Christians Respond to Tyranny?
Blog, Articles, GovernmentGuest Usergovernment tyranny, tyranny blog, tyranny christian blog, insurrection, rebellion, christian blog, think institute, joel settecase, bideninauguration, biden, presidency, trump, harris
Think Update #14 - Spiritual Warfare
Think Update, Articles, Think UpdatesGuest Userthink institute, sye ten bruggengate, joel settecase, think update, email list, apologetics, spiritual warfare blog, spiritual warfare explained, what is spiritual warfare, michael heiser